
Italy’s Prime Ministerial Decree 7 March 2020 Measures valid from 8th March to 3rd April 2020

8 March 2020

Hereby, the highlights of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 8 March relating to # covid19.

ART. 1 – Urgent measures to contain the contagion in the Lombardy region and in the provinces of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio nell’Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro and Urbino, Alessandria, Asti, Novara, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Vercelli, Padua, Treviso, Venice”]a) Avoid any movement of physical persons entering and leaving the territories, as well as within the territories themselves, except for movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of necessity or movements for health reasons. It is permitted to return to one’s home, residence or residence

b) Subjects with symptoms of respiratory infection and fever >37.5°: strong recommendation to stay at home and limit social contacts as much as possible by contacting your doctor.

c) Subjects quarantined or tested positive for the virus: absolute ban on mobility from home or residence

(d) Events and sporting events of all levels in public and private places: suspended

(e) Public and private employers: it is recommended that during the period of effectiveness of the decree the use by employees of periods of parental leave and holidays be promoted (without prejudice to point (r))

(f) Ski areas: closed

(g) Organized events, events in public and private places, including those of a cultural, recreational, sporting, religious and fairground nature, even if held in closed locations but open to the public (major events, cinemas, theatres, pubs, dance schools, amusement arcades, betting shops, bingo halls, discos and similar establishments: all activities suspended

h) Suspended educational services x children and teaching activities in schools of all levels and levels, as well as attendance of school activities and higher education including universities …

(i) Places of worship: opening subject to the adoption of organisational measures to avoid mass gatherings civil and religious ceremonies, including funeral ceremonies, are suspended

(l) Museums and places of culture: closed

(m) Public and private tender proceedings: suspended

n) Catering and bar activities: allowed from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with the obligation on the part of the manager to prepare the conditions to guarantee the possibility of respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least 1 meter, with sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation

o) Commercial activities other than those referred to in point n): allowed on condition that the operator guarantees access to the aforementioned places in a quota-based manner or in any case suitable to avoid a gathering of people, taking into account the size and characteristics of the premises open to the public, and such as to allow visitors the possibility to respect the distance of at least 1 meter (at 1 letter d), between visitors, with a sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation.

In the presence of structural or organizational conditions that do not allow the respect of the interpersonal distance of one meter, the above-mentioned structures must be closed.

p) Medical and technical staff and staff whose activities are necessary to manage the activities required by crisis units set up at regional level: suspended

q) Holding of meetings: in all possible cases, remote connection methods are adopted … in any case ensuring respect for the interpersonal safety distance of one meter and avoiding gatherings.

(r) Medium-sized and large sales structures, as well as shops within shopping centers and markets:

pre-festive and festive days: closed working days: operators must provide the conditions to ensure the possibility of respecting the safety distance of one meter, with a sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation

In the presence of structural or organizational conditions that do not allow the respect of the interpersonal distance of one meter, the above-mentioned structures must be closed.

The following shall NOT be closed:

  • pharmacies
  • parapharmacies
  • grocery stores

Managers must ensure that the interpersonal safety distance of at least 1 meter is respected, with a sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation[/toggle][toggle title=”ART. 2 – Measures to fight and contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout Italy”]a) Suspended congresses, meetings and social events in which health personnel or personnel in charge of essential public services or public utilities are involved. Any other convention or congress activity: postponed to a date subsequent to the end of the effectiveness of this decree

b) Events, shows, performances of any kind – including cinematographic and theatrical – held in any place, whether private or public: Suspended

c) Pubs, dance schools, gambling halls, bingo halls, discos and similar establishments: suspended, with sanction of suspension of the activity in case of infringement

d) Museums and other cultural institutes and places: suspended opening

e) Restaurants and bars: obligation for the manager to enforce the safety istance of one meter with sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation

f) Other shops (other than letter c) in the open air or indoors: it is strongly recommended that the operator ensures that organisational measures are taken to allow access to the above mentioned places in a restricted manner or in any case suitable to avoid a crowding of people, in compliance with the safety distance of one meter between visitors.

g) Sporting events and competitions of all types and levels held at any location (private and public): suspended

h) Educational services for children and educational activities in schools of all levels and levels, as well as attendance of school activities and higher education including universities …: suspended until 15/3

Educational trips, exchange / twinning initiatives, guided tours and educational outings however they are called, planned by educational institutions of all levels: suspended

i) Readmission to children’s education services and schools of all levels and degrees x absence due to infectious disease lasting more than 5 days is upon presentation of a medical certificate

j) Activation of distance learning arrangements by school leaders for the duration of the suspension of teaching activities in schools –

k) Universities and institutions of higher education: didactic and curricular activities can be carried out, where possible, at a distance; after the restoration of the ordinary functionality, they ensure the recovery of the training activities as well as the curricular ones or any other test or verification that are functional to the completion of the didactic path

l) Universities and higher education institutions: for the benefit of students who are not allowed to attend due to health emergency needs, teaching and curricular activities may be carried out, where possible, with distance learning activities

m) First aid rooms: it is forbidden for accompanying persons to remain in the waiting rooms, unless otherwise specified by the staff in charge.

n) Hospitality and long-term care facilities, RSAs, hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for self-sufficient and non self-sufficient elderly people: access for relatives and visitors limited only to the cases indicated by the health management of the facility, required to take the necessary measures to prevent possible transmission of the infection

o) Modes of agile work (Articles 18 to 23 of Law 22.5.2017, no. 81employers may apply it for the duration of the state of emergency to any employment relationship, in compliance with the principles dictated by the same provisions, even in the absence of the individual agreements provided for; reporting obligations under Article 22 of Law 22.5.2017, no. 81: fulfilled electronically, also by using documentation made available on the INAIL website.

p) Employers: recommended use of periods of annual leave and holidays

q) Extension of examination period

r) Penitential institutions and penal institutions for juveniles: the territorial structures of the NHS provide the Ministry of Justice with adequate support to contain the spread of the COVID-19 contagion.

s)Places of worship: opening subject to the adoption of organisational measures to prevent groups of people … suspended civil and religious ceremonies, including funeral ceremonies

t) Persons subject to quarantine measures or virus positive results: absolute ban on mobility from their home or residence

ART. 3 – information and prevention measures throughout the national territory”]1 The following measures shall apply throughout the national territory 

a) Health personnel shall comply with the preventive measures for the prevention of the spread of respiratory infections provided for by the World Health Organisation and shall apply indications for the sanitation and disinfection of environments provided for by the Ministry of Health

b) Elderly and immuno-depressed persons: recommendation to avoid leaving one’s home or residence outside cases of strict necessity and to avoid crowded places where it is not possible to maintain a safe distance of at least one meter between people

c) Natural persons: recommendation to limit travel where possible to strictly necessary cases

d) Subjects with symptoms of respiratory infection and fever > 37.5°: strong recommendation to stay at home and limit social contacts as much as possible by calling the doctor in charge

e) Offices open to the public (children’s education services, schools, universities, PA): display of information on preventive health measures

f) Mayors and trade associations shall promote the dissemination of information on preventive health and hygiene measures

g) Recommendation to municipalities and other local and regional authorities, cultural and sports associations to offer individual recreational activities alternative to the collective activities prohibited by the decree, which promote and encourage outdoor activities, provided that there is no grouping of people or carried out at the home of those concerned

h) PA and NHS facilities, as well as in all premises open to the public: provision of disinfectant solutions for hand hygiene to staff, users and visitors

i) Competitive procedures: take appropriate organisational measures to reduce the number of close contacts between candidates.

j) High mileage public transport companies: adoption of extraordinary measures to sanitise vehicles

k) Anyone who – starting from the 14th day before the date of publication of the decree – has entered Italy after having stayed in epidemiological risk areas (as identified by WHO – must communicate this to the Prevention Department of the health company competent for the territory and to the prior or doctor of free choice or to the paediatrician of free choice

2 Public health operators and public health services with territorial jurisdiction shall prescribe residence at home as follows

a) They shall contact by telephone and provide information on the areas of stay and the route of the journey made during the previous 14 days in order to carry out an appropriate exposure risk assessment

b) Having ascertained the need to initiate health surveillance and trust isolation shall inform the person concerned in detail of the measures to be taken

c) Having ascertained the need to initiate health surveillance and trust isolation, they shall inform the general practitioner or paediatrician of their free choice also with a view to possible certification for INPS purposes

d) In cases of need for certification for INPS purposes for absence from work, issue a declaration addressed to INPS to the employer, the general practitioner or the paediatrician of choice declaring the status of quarantine, specifying start and end dates

Public health operator shall also

a) Ensure that there is no fever or other symptomatology of the subject to be placed in isolation, and of any cohabitants

b) Inform the person about the symptoms, the characteristics of contagiousness, the ways in which the disease is transmitted, the measures to be taken to protect any cohabitants in the event of the appearance of symptoms

c) Inform the person about the need to measure body temperature twice a day (morning and evening).

4 In order to maximise the effectiveness of the health procedure, it is essential to inform about the meaning and purpose of home isolation in order to ensure maximum adherence to and application of the following measures:

a) Maintaining the state of isolation for 14 days after last exposure

b) Prohibition of social contacts

c) Prohibition of travel and travel

d) Obligation to remain reachable for surveillance activities

5 If symptoms appear, the person under surveillance shall:

a) Immediately notify the general practitioner or paediatrician of his or her free choice and the public health professional

b) Wear the surgical mask provided at the start of the health procedure and move away from the other cohabitants

c) Remain in your room with the door closed ensuring adequate natural ventilation, while awaiting transfer to the hospital where necessary.

ART. 4 – Monitoring of measurements “]

  1. The territorially competent Prefect, by informing the Ministry of the Interior in advance, shall ensure the implementation of the measures referred to in Article 1, as well as monitor the implementation of the remaining measures by the competent administrations.

Where necessary, it shall make use of the police forces, with the possible assistance of the fire brigade as well as the armed forces, after consultation with the competent territorial commands, notifying the President of the Region and of the autonomous province concerned

  1. Unless the fact constitutes a more serious offence, failure to comply with the obligations set out in this decree is punishable under Article 650 of the Penal Code.


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