Employment consultancy

Continual developments in the world of work, in the regulations and contracts between companies and workers make employment consultancy an essential service for companies and entrepreneurs. The legal frameworks themselves, the rights and protections of employees or the powers reserved to companies stem from rapidly changing views and social movements that are often adopted by industry before being implemented by legislators.

Good employment consultants cannot restrict themselves to simply applying regulations. They need to be able to advise companies on the various contract types and the best classifications. They must be able to propose the best solution each and every time, one that takes into account not only legislative matters but also the tax and administrative implications.

With consolidated experience of over thirty years, Studio Corno can offer companies and professionals targeted support and practical solutions. We have a strong and reliable team, thanks to refresher courses and ongoing training on changes in the employment laws. What makes our full-service employment consultancy service unique is our decision to supplement all legal activities in labour law with advice on managing tax aspects.

In this way, companies have a single point of contact for human resources management, with an overview and strategic decision-making capacity in terms of personnel administration.

Our employment consultancy creates a solid and structured management for the human resources division that addresses labour law, social security and welfare matters in a targeted manner.

From payroll organisation and disputes, to the structuring of a welfare plan and personal data privacy regulations, our team of professionals has provided valuable assistance to and will continue to support the productive and business fabric in legal, tax and administrative matters.

Our services

  • Interpretation and application of employment rules and national collective labour agreements (CCNL)
  • Drafting of contracts and performance of related obligations
  • Support in the application of regulations and disciplinary proceedings
  • Individual labour disputes with support during negotiations
  • INPS (National Social Security Institute) social security classification of companies
  • INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) classification
  • INPS and INAIL cases and appeals
  • Trade union negotiations at all levels, locally and nationally
  • Procedures for transfers
  • Procedures for the transfer of a business branch
  • Procedures for ordinary and special redundancy funds
  • Mobility procedures

Employment and business consultants

Our employment consultants assist and advise companies and professionals in all the employment law matters they face. As an entrepreneur, it is vital to focus on the production activities making up your core business. However, it is important to be protected on the regulatory front and to protect your collaborators, who are a key resource that will drive your company forward into a sound future. Employment law itself changes continually, keeping up with the rapid developments in the market and production sectors.

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Our consultants have the experience and expertise to accompany and guide your company through all aspects of employment law: you benefit from having a single point of reference for everything related to human resources. From identifying the correct Collective Labour Agreement (CCNL) through to dismissal, and from personnel management to relations with the welfare, social security and trade union organisations. Thanks to our experience and collaboration with international law firms, we can support you if your company operates on foreign markets or with foreign collaborators and employees.


Legal and contract advice for employment

Changes in the market and in the various forms of labour contracts are often classified in ways that are not yet fully accounted for in the current legislation. New jobs and new sectors require flexibility and personalised bargaining that you can plan strategically using our employment and business consultancy service. Correctly classifying your business and the relevant national collective labour agreement (CCNL) will allow you to draft appropriate contracts and access incentives and resources provided for by law in the event of a crisis

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With our support, you will be able to establish the correct classification of your workforce and the various contract types. We can help you draft individual contracts for managers, directors and collaborators. We provide prompt and effective assistance in the event of individual complaints and disputes at the competent offices, or, if necessary, for the application of disciplinary rules and related action.


Social security and welfare advice

We help companies choose the correct labour and social security contribution statuses of their employees and collaborators. Our services include registration and correct classification with the social security institutes INPS (National Social Security Institute) and INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work). In the event of a dispute, we provide assistance to both the employee and the inspection bodies. We analyse INAIL classifications. In addition to employment law, our consultants can advise you on certain strategic business decisions with regard to supplementary pension provisions, such as funds and schemes.


Trade union advice and assistance

During times of great social and market mobility, companies need sound advice to assist them in the delicate stages of managing human resources, during relocations, reorganisation of work or transfers. In this case, up-to-date knowledge on dismissals, combined with sensitivity in managing relations, is essential in order to correctly and profitably handle crises between the parties.

Leggi di più

Studio Corno brings you a team that is able to use all the resources and tools provided for by the laws and regulations to deal effectively and practically with the more complicated moments in the life of your company and business. We will also support you in all dealings with internal (RSU [single trade union representation] / RSA [trade union representation at enterprise level]) and external trade union representatives, and in agreements and disputes with the trade union organisations.

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
VAT 00947490967 | Share capital: 100.000€ | Tax code 09206750151 | REA 1285358

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
P.IVA 00947490967 | Capitale sociale: 100.000€ | C.F. 09206750151 | REA 1285358

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