The HR portal, the solution for integrated personnel management

Regardless of their size, sector and core business, innovative companies, whether they are small start-ups, SMEs or large multinational organisations, share common needs, such as accurate data recording, simplified time-off management, project management and improvement of employee performance, to mention but a few.

Implementing a platform that allows information to be communicated and shared within the company, consolidating all HR processes in a single tool is the solution your company needs in order to grow.

Studio Corno will provide guidance in adopting the best solutions to suit your business. Our services are not limited solely to implementing software products; in fact, over the years we have gained experience and skills enabling us to support you throughout your processes, from start to end.


You can rely on valuable external expertise
You choose how, between outsourcing and insourcing
You can streamline your processes
You can focus on your core activities

All HR processes in a single tool

WEB attendance

Web technology-based attendance management is a smart and secure solution allowing companies to enter the overtime and/or absences of their employees, by simply logging into the software from the dedicated portal.

Your directly acquired attendance data will be instantly available for payslip processing thanks to integration with the Paghe (Payroll) software. The Workflow Presenze (Attendance Workflow) software expedites the communication procedure for justifications of absence between workers and the company.

Workflow presenze

The Workflow Presenze solution simplifies and optimises the entire process of communicating justifications for anomalies in attendance. You will be able to delegate some activities related to the management of absences, failure to clock in/out, overtime authorisations, shift change requests and time sheet approval to supervisors and employees.

Risorse umane web (Web-based HR management) 

Having digital documentation for your personnel allows you to archive employee data and important records in a structured manner, making them accessible at any time, during and after onboarding. With the Risorse Umane Web solution, you will be able to manage your employee data by creating personal files for each worker. In a simple and comprehensive way, these files include all the data about a particular employee under a single profile, from personal data to their job-related salary, contractual and training data.

Dossier anagrafico paghe (Payroll record dossier) 

Archive data in a clear, centralised manner in the personnel digital documentation thanks to the Dossier anagrafico paghe solution, which even allows you to automate preparatory payroll accounting.

Business travel and Expense reports

Mobility expenses represent a major cost for companies and are often difficult to quantify and monitor. Our consultants will help you conduct the entire business trip management process, from organisation and approval to the final expenses statement.

Choose the Outsourced expense reports checking service, delivering high levels of effectiveness and transparency and effective checking operations. With our digital solution for all processes supporting personnel and their travel, you can spend more time managing your core business, eliminating the operational impact of low value-added activities.

Analytics per HR (HR Analytics) 

Rapidly acquiring data on personnel allows forecasts to be made based on real data, which you can use as a starting point for improving your decisions. With the integration of Analytics per HR, you will obtain all the data on the major trends of your personnel, enabling you to assess their performance against set goals. Not simple data but ready-made dashboards that are automatically populated with data acquired from personnel management software, thanks to seamless integration with the HR suite solutions.  

Budget per HR (HR budget)

Budget HR provides useful forecasts of trends in personnel costs with reference to salary and contractual elements and the various developments in the company.

Thanks to our expert advice combined with the information content of the data, we will help you analyse any deviations of actual cost from the estimated figure and assist you in identifying corrective measures to be taken.

With the new Connect HR app, working in the office or

in smart-working mode will be a whole lot easier

Employees and collaborators always connected with your company, at any time and from any device. These days, using a company app is a must, to enable efficient digital processes and foster communication and engagement.


Contact our experts

Let one of our consultants guide you through the most innovative HR solutions for your company.

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
VAT 00947490967 | Share capital: 100.000€ | Tax code 09206750151 | REA 1285358

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
P.IVA 00947490967 | Capitale sociale: 100.000€ | C.F. 09206750151 | REA 1285358

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