Giorgio Corno

A lawyer at the Monza Bar (1990), he is qualified to plead in the Supreme Court (1996) and is a qualified solicitor (Supreme Court of England and Wales) (2004).

He operates mainly, at both national and international level, in the field of commercial and corporate law, with particular regard to M&A transactions; the corporate crisis and insolvency; international private and procedural law and law on processing of personal data.

National correspondent for Italy (2022 2024) of Unidroit, he is Deputy President and Council Member (Italy reserved seat) of Insol Europe and Executive Director of CERIL – Conference of European Restructuring and Insolvency Law.

He is a member of the International Insolvency Institute, the ELI European Law Institute, the ILA International Law Association and the Chamber of International Lawyers.

He is Vice President and Council Member (Italy Reserved Seat) of Insol Europe as well as Executive Director of CERIL – Conference of European Restructuring and Insolvency Law.

A member of the editorial board of Global Restructuring Review (London), he collaborates with the International Business Crisis Observatory of the National Chartered Accountants Foundation (Rome) as an expert.

He has participated in several research projects, in Italy and abroad, on corporate crisis and corporate restructuring for the reform of both EU and US laws:

  1. European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers – Civil Justice Unit, project relating to pandemic emergency legislation in Italy (2020);
  2. Insol Europe, a member of the study group that led to the drafting of the Recommendation of the European Commission on the 12th March 2014 on early business restructuring and on fresh start(2013);
  3. European Law Institute, project: Rescue of business in insolvency law (2017);
  4. American Bankruptcy Institute, project for the reform of Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code (2017).

Author of publications and contributions for books and reviews, Italian and foreign, with a focus on cross-border and international profiles of corporate crises, he is regularly invited as a speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad by Italian and foreign universities, as well as by organisations of experts in the field.

  • University of Milan “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” – Degree in Law with honours
  • University  “Commerciale L. Bocconi” – Specialisation course in Corporate Tax Law
  • College of Law Qualified Lawyer Transfer Test
  • Italian
  • English
  • French


Awards and acknowledgments

Best Lawyer

Giorgio Corno has been named as a “Best Lawyer for 2023 in Restructuring and Insolvency Law” by the renowned independent Legal Directory Best Lawyers.

GRR - Global Restructuring Review

Giorgio Corno was mentioned by GRR for his work in bankruptcy and restructuring at an international level. His clients are companies from various industries with interests in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, North America and Latin America.

Who's Who Legal

Giorgio Corno has been recognised by Who’s Who Legal as a 2021 Global Leader in Restructuring and Insolvency and a 2020 National Leader in Restructuring and Insolvency in Italy.

Who’s Who Legal cites Giorgio Corno as: “Widely recognised for his expertise in cross-border restructuring and insolvency management”.

Legal 500

In 2019 Studio Corno Avvocati joined Legal 500’s directory in the areas of commercial, corporate and M&A law

best lawyer
who's who legal
best lawyers


  • Collana “Le Fonti del diritto italiano”: “Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza e regolamento europeo sull’insolvenza transfrontaliera”-AA.VV -Ed Giuffrè , 2020 (in corso)
  • European Preventive Restructuring- Directive EU (EIR 2020) Paulus & Damman- Ed Beck Hart Nomos, 2020. Commento agli artt 19 e 25
  • “Profili internazionali. La disciplina dei conflitti di giurisdizione in caso di insolvenza transnazionale extracomunitaria”, in Trattato delle procedure concorsuali, a cura di Panzani e Cagnasso, Torino, 2016)
  • “Italian Insolvency Regulations”, in Collier International Business Insolvency Guide, Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., New York (2016-2017-2018-2019-2020)
  • Caso Beta: proposta sottoscritta dal debitore e da un terzo assuntore, residente in paese extra-UE. Mancata esecuzione del concordato fallimentare e possibili rimedi”, in AA.VV., Il concordato fallimentare, Agea, 2013
  • “L’accertamento del passivo”, commento agli artt. 92 – 103 LF, in Paluchowski – Bocchiola (a cura di), Il Codice del Fallimento, Milano, 2013
  • “Secured measures in Italy, in Franklin”, International secured measures, Thomson Carswell (Canada), 2010
  • “Italian Insolvency Regulations”, in Otto (ed.), World Insolvency Systems: a comparative study, Thomson Carswell (Canada), 2009
  • “Le misure di chiusura alternative alla liquidazione nel Regolamento 1346/2000”, in Demarchi (a cura di), Il Concordato Fallimentare, Bologna, 2008
  • Manuale pratico del diritto processuale civile“, Cedam (Padova), 1999 (III edizione)
  • I prevedibili effetti del coronavirus sulla disciplina delle procedure concorsuali” (con Luciano Panzani), in, 2020
  • La disciplina dell’insolvenza durante la pandemia da Covid-19. Spunti di diritto comparato, con qualche riflessione sulla possibile evoluzione della normativa italiana” (con Luciano Panzani). in, 2020
  • Proposta di legge per una moratoria straordinaria volta a gestire l’emergenza, tramite l’istituzione della procedura di “amministrazione vigilata” (con Luciano Panzani)”, 2020
  • “A quali procedure di crisi o di insolvenza italiane trova applicazione il Regolamento 848/2015?“, in, 2018
  • Centro degli interessi principali” (con Stefania Bariatti) in, 2016
  • La disciplina degli atti pregiudizievoli per i creditori secondo la normativa inglese e italiana e secondo il Regolamento Europeo sulle procedure di insolvenza” (con John Briggs), in, 2016
  • La disciplina europea ed italiana del trattamento dei dati personali nei registri fallimentari“, in, 2016
  • La disciplina europea ed italiana dei registri fallimentari”, in, 2016
  • “Il Regolamento (UE) 2015/848 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 20 maggio 2015 relativo alle procedure di insolvenza (rifusione)” Una prima lettura, articolo scritto con Prof Stefania Bariatti, 2015
  • Another (meaningful) step at European level towards a partial harmonization of member states’ insolvency regulations. the European commission recommendation of 12.3.2014 regarding a new approach to business failure and insolvency“, in Thomson/West Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice, 2014
  • Un altro (significativo) passo avanti a livello comunitario verso l’armonizzazione di alcuni aspetti della normativa in materia di crisi di impresa. la raccomandazione della commissione europea in data 12 marzo 2014 e il possibile impatto sulla normativa italiana”,, 2014
  • Enforcement of avoidance claims judgments in Europe. Present rules and (reasonable) future reforms”, International Insolvency Law Review 2013
  • A double lesson from Interedil: higher courts, lower courts and preliminary ruling and further clarifications on COMI and establishment under EC Insolvency Regulation “(nota a European Court of Justice, Judgment 20 October 2011, Case C-396/09, Interedil, nota, con Prof. Costanza Honorati), International Insolvency Law Review 2013
  • La disciplina della verifica del passivo nel regolamento CE n. 1346/2000. Teoria, pratica e prospettive di riforma“,, 2012
  • EIR and Italian Rules Governing the Lodging, Verification and Admission of Claims”. Theory and Italian Practice, International Insolvency Law Review 2012, 197
  • Le misure di chiusura alternative alla liquidazione nel Regolamento 1346/2000“, in Fall. 2009,
  • “Agreements between debtors facing financial difficulties and their creditors. Why migrate to Italy?” Tolley’s Corporate Rescue and Restructuring, 2008
  • Recent reforms concerning Italian insolvency law“. An overview (with specific regard to voidable transactions), Tolley’s Insolvency Law & Practice, 2006
  • “Il Regolamento N. 805/2004 sul titolo esecutivo europeo per crediti non contestati, Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali“, 2005, 309 ss.
  • “The Italian Regulations concerning the Extraordinary Administration of Large Insolvent Corporations. The New Rules Incorporating recent Acts and Instruments (la disciplina italiana della amministrazione straordinaria delle grandi imprese in crisi. La disciplina aggiornata alla luce delle recenti modifiche)“, Insol World, 2004
  • “Liability of Intermediary Service Providers According to Italian Regulations and Case Law.” The Impact of the Directive 2000/31/CE (Responsabilità dei service provider alla luce della discipilna legislativa italiana e della giurisprudenza).
  • L’impatto della Direttiva 2000/31/CE), BNA’s World Internet Law Report, 2004
  • Recent Regulations on Electronic Commerce and Signatures under EU Directives and Italian Law (Recenti disposizioni normative sul commercio elettronico e sulle firme elettroniche alla luce delle direttive comunitarie e della legge italiana)”, International Business Lawyer 2004, 117
  • Prime osservazioni sulla liquidazione fallimentare dei beni per operare con internet, Diritto Fallimentare e delle società commerciali, 2003“. Articolo destinato agli studi in onore del Prof. Angelo Bonsignori
  • Cross Border Insolvency. The EU Community Law Approach” (L’insolvenza transnazionale. L’approccio della legge comunitaria), Business Law International 1/03
  • La disciplina comunitaria dell’insolvenza, Diritto Fallimentare e delle società commerciali”, 2002, 272
  • Archivi e banche di dati personali nel fallimento. Prime considerazioni di diritto italiano“, in Contratto e Impresa 2002, 729
Giorgio Corno


Via Mameli, 11
Lissone (MB), 20851
+39 039 2456792

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
VAT 00947490967 | Share capital: 100.000€ | Tax code 09206750151 | REA 1285358

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
P.IVA 00947490967 | Capitale sociale: 100.000€ | C.F. 09206750151 | REA 1285358